Kelseyville Riviera
Events & News
Kelseyville Riviera Newsletter - The Rivieran
2024 November Rivieran pdf 2024/03/the-rivieran-spring-2024-1.pdf
Please come by and enjoy your KRCA picnic area. Open daily from 10:00am to 4:45pm - Come into the office to "check out" the chess pieced for the built in chess set, corn hole, and or vertical checked (think connect 4) - ash bucket and outdoor garbage can be picked up in the office. Please call 707-277-7281 to make sure it has not been reserved for the day. Picnic area available to guest who reserve the hall for events (no alcohol or smoking allowed)
Each year in the early part of summer, the KRCA MEMEBERSHIP has an association wide yard sale. This is an opportunity, is to take advantage of a larger pool of shoppers. Interested shoppers come by the KRCA to pick up a map, water, refreshments and use the facilities. Members who have completed the form to be listed on the map. This event is heavily advertised. We have a lot of participants and shoppers.
“Thank you for keeping your properties safe & clean! The KRCA is proud to be a “Firewise Certified” Community. This saves $money$ off of your homeowners/rental insurance. Emergency responders know when they enter a “Firewise Certified” area, there is a higher likelihood of saving homes. The KRCA has been spared the event of a large wildfire since 1964. Only you can help! Please see the CCR’s section and the “Wildfire Safety” section of this website for more information regarding keeping your properties SAFE!”